
Mike Tyson offers some fascinating insight into what Joshua's big win over Klitschko means Free UPDATED

Anthony Joshua and Wladimir Klitschko put on one of the greatest heavyweight scraps in decades at Wembley last week and the worldwide is still buzzing about IT.

90,000 fans witnessed a historical war between AJ and Dr. Steelhammer equally they traded knockdowns before Joshua went on an 11th round rampage to put together the 41-year-old veteran to get it on via TKO.

Watford-Born Joshua is now connected top of the world and has a fight with Tyson Fury firmly in his sights, a humanity World Health Organization has likewise defeated Klitschko.

In the early 1990s, Microphone Tyson had a replaceable buzz about him as he reigned dominant in the boxing world and became the youngest e'er hulk champion.

There is something to be said for the buzz a heavyweight champion can get, and Fe Mike believes that the action-packed bout will revitalise not only the section, but the disport as a whole.

"If he [Joshua] continues to be that room, his sky is the limit for him," aforesaid Tyson. "Just that one fight down changed boxing, that one fight, and that's what fighting inevitably.

"Floyd [Mayweather] is making much of money and we've got a lot of little guys fighting, but what they want to see is a heavyweight fight.

"The heavyweight that knows how to fight, like Joshua, that's what makes boxing big. The heavyweights make boxing big.

Tyson V Ruddock

"The otherwise guys toilet make any money, but they are not making the sport big."

It's easy to understand why Tyson would say that seeing as He was a heavyweight himself. The erst upon a time 'Baddest Man on the Planet' was a must-see fighter and for casual fans, the most soul-destroying shorts tend to be their preferent to watch.

Subsequently seeing the way that Joshua punched to victory, here's to hoping that he has more taboo-and-retired wars along his agenda in the near future.

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Mike Tyson offers some fascinating insight into what Joshua's big win over Klitschko means Free UPDATED

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